It may happen that you usually need to get data from a table in .dbf format once.
There are programs like DBF Manager that will show you the contents of the table,
but when you choose the option export, it is necessary to pay for the program.
This is probably an unnecessary investment for a one-time event.
My program, which is Freeware, will allow you to do it quickly, briefly and for free.
A .DBF file might look like this:
The dbf2xml.exe program does not have a graphical superstructure with a menu, so I have to specify the name of the file from which to read the data. I will edit the dbf2xml.ini file like this that I insert the first line :
If I do nothing else, dbf2xml.exe will create the file MyCars.xml. So the name of the output file takes from the input file and when I open it in Notepad like this :
This page is not intended to replace the program manual. Extensive manual where they are described you can find other program options in the .ZIP package together with the program.
The program is FREEWARE. However, the author reserves the right to decide where the program will be saved for download. If you are going to program on download to another server, please inform the author ..
Mailto:Ing. Branislav Štofko