Kalenda V.21.04      

Today, in the age of smartphones, everyone has their own planning calendar there. You wear it and can even alert you to deadlines.
But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. There are also classic solutions in the form of diaries or calendars.

I was bothered by the need to scroll back and forth on the calendar on a classic desk calendar. I am not one of those who have 5 or more events per day in the planning calendar.
Like The veteran's concern was rather to have an overview of planned events for the month at first glance. Because today, everyone at home except the PC also has a printer,
I thought of creating a suitable program. The program is extremely short, there is no need to install and uninstall it and you can carry it with you on a USB key.

The Kalenda program will generate one A4 sheet with a calendar for one month. It could be done, for example, with the MS-Excel program,
but probably you it stopped having fun after the first month.

The names of days and months are defined in an external file. Therefore, it is possible to modify the program for almost any language. I didn't try Chinese...

The distribution package also includes files for the "Vyšegrad Four", ie CZ, HU, PL and SK.

In the new version, I added the ability to print four types of calendars







What you see above are photos. A real example where you can also try printing :

This page is not intended to replace the program manual. Extensive manual can be found in the .ZIP package along with the program.

The program is freeware. However, the author reserves the right to decide where he will be program saved for download.
If you intend to save the download program to another server, please inform the author.

Mailto:Ing. Branislav Štofko



Contents of the installation package Kalenda