dir2html V.22.01        

I have been working as a programmer for many years. My computer is filled with a lot of of folders and files. I have always promoted the idea that in one folder there is to have no more than 22 files in one folder. This is so that I can see them on the display at the same time. But it happens to me, too, that sometimes I don't adhere to this and a folder gets comfortingly full. I lose track and I'm always going to delete something and move something elsewhere.

So I decided to make a simple program for myself and other programmers. It has no window, no icon and no need to set any parameters. It does its job and that's it.

Copy my program to the folder where you have a lot of files and the list you need. Then click on the program and a new file will appear in the folder dir2html.html and there is what I did manually before.

You can also print a list of files from a .html file by clicking on a free area in your browser and selecting Print.

The .html file has a simple structure that allows you to open it in MS Excel or a similar program to get a spreadsheet that you can work with.

The program is free. However, the author reserves the right to decide on where the program will be stored for download. If you plan to program save for the download to another server, please inform the author.

Mailto:Ing. Branislav Štofko




Some portals don't keep up with my pace :-) Please make sure you have the latest version of the program. The distribution file has a name dir2html_22_01_EN.zip

Contents of the installation package dir2html